1. COVID-19 clinic protocols involve social distancing during your clinic visit. Our indoor reception area allows for 6 ft distance between patients entering and exiting our office. Additionally, our frequent disinfection protocols and procedures have always been and will remain exceptional. Our facility allows patients to be adjusted with appropriate social distancing. All Doctors will wash and/or disinfect hands in-between patients.
2. Protect and confine your elderly loved ones and minimize any public contact especially those with chronic illness such as: cardiovascular disease, lung disease, suppressed immune disease and/or diabetes.
3. Practice excellent hygiene which involves frequent washing of hands for at least 20 seconds in hot water with lathering soapy disinfectant suds.
4. Hydrate with 2-3 liters of pure fresh water per day. Eliminate intake of any processed foods and increase fresh fruits, vegetables, and high protein food sources (preferably organic). Vitamin and mineral supplements (consult with your Doctor of Chiropractic for recommendations). Adequate sleep is also important to your immune function.
5. If you have a fever, shortness of breath, and cough… do not visit our clinic and immediately report to a local medical facility for COVID-19 testing and if necessary, treatment and quarantine.
6. For healthy non-symptomatic individuals limit public exposure to essential workplace employment and activities such as visits to your Doctor of Chiropractic and/or other health care professionals, grocery shopping and necessary supplies. Health care services are being encouraged to continue to maintain your health and function.