Spinal joint motion and your posture
Spinal joint motion and your posture
By: Dr. Nicholas LaHood, D.C.
Your posture is a direct relationship between your spinal joints and discs. The more degenerative your spinal joints are or the more your spine is misaligned the worse your posture will be. Why does this matter, because your body funtions from your brain and spinal nerves if that communication is blocked or obstructed you will decrease in function. I have seen these changes occur hundreds of times. If you know a loved one who seems to be leaning forward more and more as they age. This is a degenerative process occurring to this person's spine. Eventually it will progressively advance worse.
The more severe your spine is misaligned the tighter the muscles will be supporting the spine, for they will be working harder to keep the spine upright. The postural changes that occur in humans usually happens at a very subtle rate, so slight it is hard to detect. The spinal vertebra are designed to stack on top of one another and move with each other. They are designed to move forward and backwards, tip side to side, and rotate left and right. If a spinal vertebra is misaligned, the misaligned joint will become restricted or lose some of its normal range of movement. This decrease in movement slowly starts a cascade of events including decreases in nutrients to the joint itself called the intervertebral disc. The we